420PEOPLE: WHERE / Program Moving Station

24. 10. 2024, 19:00, velký sál Moving Station
english friendly
Nejnovější projekt 42+PEOPLE oslavuje mezigenerační dialog tanečníků. Přináší jedinečný a zároveň intimní pohled na vrchol taneční kariéry interpretů po 42 letech. Projekt 42+PEOPLE, který propojuje všechny hodnoty současného tance, přináší choreografii s názvem Where. V Moving Station se představí tanečníci Václav Kuneš a Helena Arenbergerová, která za svou sólovou roli v tomto představení získala hlavní Cenu Thálie 2023 za ženský výkon v kategorii Tanec.
Na tuto inscenaci je možné uplatnit předplatné Moving Station 2024/2025.

"Naše choreografické spojení nepřináší společný příběh, ale rozehrává intimitu každého z nás v ryze osobní taneční výpovědi. Bez klišé. Bez nutných anotací. Přesto však evokuje velmi známý renesanční obraz plný neuchopitelného napětí mezi stabilními i rozestřenými životy, napětí v blízkosti dvou cizích lidí… A stále hmatatelnější skrze současný tanec,” říká Václav Kuneš, choreograf, tanečník a umělecký ředitel souboru 420PEOPLE.
Projekt 42+PEOPLE souboru současného tance 420PEOPLE oslavuje mezigenerační dialog tanečníků. Přináší jedinečný a zároveň intimní pohled na vrchol taneční kariéry intepretů po 42 letech. Premiéru představení WHERE, projektu 42+PEOPLE, který propojí všechny hodnoty současného tance, uvedel soubor 19. 11. 2022 ve Studiu Maiselovka představení “WHERE”. V choreografii se představili dvojice českých tanečníků ve věku 42+. Pilotní ročník zahájili Helena Arenbergerová a Václav Kuneš.
This is one of those idea’s that now feels like ‘how come I didn’t think of it much sooner?’ It was just after or maybe during the finishing touches of our new studio Maiselovka when we (with 420PEOPLE) were thinking, what could be the next step in our nearly 15 years of existence. Well, we already had a new and rather major update to our ‘normal-till-then’: we planned to create AND perform small, intimate productions at the Studio. Sort of as a platform to try out things which we can then develop for large stage, where we usually perform. Also to offer this platform to our dancers, should they have the creator’s bug. Kind of a springboard if you will. In some ways though, this wasn’t exactly new, it was something we knew, something that we were familiar with. So what could be the ‘next-new-normal’? We have already planned our open classes and other kinds of public lessons and we knew from our experience that we will attract young people too. And that some classes will be great for older generation as well. So what next…? Then it hit me, it was more of a blast from the past… As a young dancers I often had the great opportunity to tour the world with a group of amazing older dancers. To be clear, ‘older dancer’ is not a fixed term, there’s no such a thing that you turn lets say 38 and you need to go to update your bio. And even then, at my age (meaning when I knew next to nothing), I remember being completely awestruck by ‘them’. It was not just their artistry or ability to perform with a gift of total honesty, it was also their general philosophy on life as a performer = human being. I realised I’m kind of missing this spirit, this range of thoughts, …all caught up in running the company, in my own  stuff, my projects and so on I didn’t have a space for it. But when I pushed myself to search for some perhaps missing sensations, this blast from the past came in. Then it all came together: little play with the numbers in our name 420PEOPLE and deciding that 42 years of age of a Dancer could be the ‘invitation’ to the club: 42+PEOPLE concept was born. There’s no upper limit, obviously. And here we are. I honestly hope for this to be a long term project. The idea is simple: each year to create a new work where all the (dance) performers will be over 42 years old. There should be a shorter film version of the work too, capturing the essence of the onstage work. The proximity of the audience in Studio Maiselovka is just perfect for this type of events as you can really see every detail of each performer, you feel every breath they take. You can literally touch the performers and that is a unique set up, perfect for 42+people. Needless to say that this concept is unparalleled in the Czech Republic. Not so, however, around the world. There have been such concepts long ago, performances created especially for older performers, who still have so much to offer. Perhaps they will not do salto’s but they have a gift to make you feel as if they did just that. And you will believe them.