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22. 10. 2019, 19:00
Portugalská inscenace dokumentárního divadla pracuje s tématem „láska“, jež tvůrci využívají k otevření diskuse nad portugalským kolonialismem a post kolonialismem. Láska se v pojetí tvůrců stává politickým aktem.
Láska jako dějiště politiky i utopií v koloniálním prostoru a postkoloniální éře. Dokumentární inscenace André Amália a Terezy Havlíčkové vychází z rozhovorů s lidmi, kteří kolonialismus zažili, ale i s příslušníky nové generace narozené po pádu portugalského impéria, kteří jsou koloniálním myšlením ještě přímo poznamenáni. Jak násilná povaha kolonialismu ovlivnila vztahy v minulosti a dnes? Výpovědi bývalých portugalských vojáků, kteří za války zplodili děti s africkými ženami a Portugalek, které se zamilovaly do členů afrických hnutí bojujících za svobodu, jsou konfrontováni se svědectvím dětí, které z těchto vztahů vzešly.
80 minut.
Uváděno s českými a anglickými titulky.
Autoři: André Amálio and Tereza Havlíčková
Choreografie: Tereza Havlíčková
Hrají: André Amálio, Laurinda Chiungue, Pedro Salvador, Ricardo Cruz, Cheila Lima and Tereza Havlíčková
Hudbu složili a hrají: Pedro Salvador and Romi Anauel / Cheila Lima
Scénografie: Pedro Silva and Hugo Migata
Světla a technika: Carlos Arroja
Ve spolupráci s: Selma Uamusse and Toni Fortuna
Executive producer: Joana Costa Santos
Produkce: Hotel Europa
Koprodukce: TNDMII
Rezidence: Materiais Diversos and DEVIR/CAPA
Podpořili: DGARTES/MC, Hotel Victoria Plzeň
Poděkování: Bruno Huca, Sufaida Moyane a všichni účastníci rozhovorů
Hotel Europa is a company formed by André Amálio (Portugal) and Tereza Havlíčková (Czech Republic). They have been collaborating together, developing documentary theatre performances that explore the boundaries between theatre, dance and performance. They use in their work an overlap of autobiographical material, family stories, nationalhistories, testimonies, interviews and historiographical research, creating a complex web of references that allow the public the opportunity to travel between cultures, times and genres. The work of Hotel Europahas been performed in Portugal, Brazil, France, Germany, UK, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The company created the shows Portugal is not a small country (2015), Pass-Port (2016), Liberation (2017) and Post-Colonial Loves (2019).
André Amálio is theatre director and actor that has developed his work in the area of documentary theatre, memory, postcolonialism and the recent Portuguese colonial past. André holds a PhD from Roehampton University and a MA from Goldsmiths, University of London. His research was supported by Gulbenkian Foundation, GDA and Rush. He lectured theatre directing and documentary theatre in HAMU (Prague) and ESAD (Portugal) and is currently lecturing in Universidade do Minho (Portugal). Has worked as an actor/performer/dancer under directors like Anna Furse, Giacomo Scalisi, João Brites, Lúcia Sigalho, Luís Castro, Madalena Vitorino, Marie-Gabrielle Rotie, amongst others.
Tereza Havlíčková began her career as a dancer by completing her BA Dance Theater at Laban Center in London and then graduated at Goldsmiths, University of London (MA Performance Making). She is particularly interested in the multidisciplinary exploration of movement, text and visual forms, as well as the use of autobiographical material. She worked and studied with artists like Graeme Miller, Marie Gabrielle Rotie, Twitchin Mischa, Steve Paxton and worked with Firenza Guidi, Etta Ermini, Anna Furse, Ajaykumar, Petr Boháč, Miřenka Čechová and Madalena Vitorino.
This documentary theatre performance aims to reflect on love as a political and utopian space discussing what it signified to love in the colonial space and what it still means today. This performance was devised from interviews of people that lived colonial times, but also the new generations that were born after the end of the Portuguese colonial Empire that are still conditioned by the colonial frame and thought. Post-Colonial Loves questions the politics of love in the colonial space and portrays the different ways how the violence of colonialism could act upon the past and present relationships. For this performance we collected testimonies of former Portuguese soldiers who have children with black African women in wartime, white Portuguese women who have fallen in love with black Africans belonging to the Liberation movements, and also the children of these relationships. With this performance, the theatre company Hotel Europa begins a new chapter in its investigation on colonialism, scrutinizing the love during the Colonial and Post-Colonial period.
22. 10. with CZ/EN subtitles
Created by André Amálio and Tereza Havlíčková
Movement Tereza Havlíčková
With André Amálio, Laurinda Chiungue, Pedro Salvador, Ricardo Cruz, Cheila Lima and Tereza Havlíčková
Music composed and performed by Pedro Salvador and Romi Anauel / Cheila Lima
Set design Pedro Silva and Hugo Migata
Light design and technical direction Carlos Arroja With collaboration Selma Uamusse and Toni Fortuna
Executive producer Joana Costa Santos
Production Hotel Europa
Co-production TNDMII
Residency Materiais Diversos and DEVIR/CAPA
Support DGARTES/MC, Hotel Victoria Pilsen
Acknowledgment Bruno Huca, Sufaida Moyane and all the people interviewed
About Hotel Europa
Hotel Europa is a company formed by André Amálio (Portugal) and Tereza Havlíčková (Czech Republic). They have been collaborating together, developing documentary theatre performances that explore the boundaries between theatre, dance and performance. They use in their work an overlap of autobiographical material, family stories, national histories, testimonies, interviews and historiographical research, creating a complex web of references that allow the public the opportunity to travel between cultures, times and genres. The work of Hotel Europa has been performed in Portugal, Brazil, France, Germany, UK, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The company created the shows Portugal is not a small country (2015), Pass-Port (2016), Liberation (2017) and Post-Colonial Loves (2019).
André Amálio is theatre director and actor that has developed his work in the area of documentary theatre, memory, postcolonialism and the recent Portuguese colonial past. André holds a PhD from Roehampton University and a MA from Goldsmiths, University of London. His research was supported by Gulbenkian Foundation, GDA and Rush. He lectured theatre directing and documentary theatre in HAMU (Prague) and ESAD (Portugal) and is currently lecturing in Universidade do Minho (Portugal). Has worked as an actor/performer/dancer under directors like Anna Furse, Giacomo Scalisi, João Brites, Lúcia Sigalho, Luís Castro, Madalena Vitorino, Marie-Gabrielle Rotie, amongst others.
Tereza Havlíčková began her career as a dancer by completing her BA Dance Theater at Laban Center in London and then graduated at Goldsmiths, University of London (MA Performance Making). She is particularly interested in the multidisciplinary exploration of movement, text and visual forms, as well as the use of autobiographical material. She worked and studied with artists like Graeme Miller, Marie Gabrielle Rotie, Twitchin Mischa, Steve Paxton and worked with Firenza Guidi, Etta Ermini, Anna Furse, Ajaykumar, Petr Boháč, Miřenka Čechová and Madalena Vitorino.